In general, the City of College Station does Bond Elections every 5 years, and the next bond issue is slated to be voted on in November of 2015. These bond elections determine which new facilities the city is going to design and construct over the life of the bond election (typically 5 years).
Citizen participation is key in shaping the City’s plans, so we encourage you to get involved in the Citizen Advisory Committee that is forming right now. Involvement will include approximately two meetings per month over a 5-6 month period.
The purpose of the Citizen Advisory Committee is to help guide City Staff and the City Council in the selection of transportation facilities that will be constructed, improved, or moved as part of the upcoming bond election. Serving on the committee would be an excellent opportunity to help the City Staff and City Council understand the importance of improved bicycle infrastructure within the City of College Station.
If this is something you are passionate about and you are able to help shape the transportation future of College Station, visit to apply and learn more. The deadline to apply is before 5 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 26.